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Saturday, November 14, 2009

DVD Review: "Up"

I'm going to name three movies and I want you to establish the first word that comes to your mind:
"Toy Story", "Finding Nemo", and "Wall-E".

If you're like most people, the word Pixar will immediately pop into your head... and for good reason. Pixar has proven that it is still possible to create original stories that can be enjoyed by all ages... something that is seemingly hard to do these days (due to the popularity of re-makes and graphic novel adaptations). Pixar is, at this point, one of the most powerful companies in the entertainment industry. So, after "Wall-E" was released in 2008 and recieved excellent reviews... everyone was wondering how a story about an old man in a flying house could top it. Luckily, Pixar lived up to their reputation with their latest film, "Up".

I will be completely honest... it wasn't AS good as "Wall-E". But that doesn't by any means make it a bad film. It's a whole lot better than any other animation that came out this year. Pixar is becoming known for delivering powerful and/or emotional scenes that have no dialogue in them. If you've talked to anyone who has seen this film, I'm sure they've mentioned the montage at the beginning that goes through the main character's life. It's without a doubt the most memorable sequence in the film, and also one of Pixar's most heartbreaking and emotional scene's out of all their films.

While it starts off as a very depressing drama, it gradually picks up and ultimately turns into something similar to an Indiana Jones adventure. We're introduced to the villan in the third act, and once he get's involved, it becomes an exciting action/adventure experience.

From a technical standpoint, the graphics are top-notch (as always), remaining "cartoony", but still containing some detailed photo-realistic aspects. The score by Michael Giaccino is very John Williams esque... containing a melody that is used throughout the film. Directing was smooth and effective.

I completely reccomend Pixar's latest offering to anyone and everyone. It's fun, humerous, emotional, and exciting... and it will certainly stick with you after the credits role.

My Rating: 9 out of 10

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